Give Them Hope
Genre: Documentary film
Year: ca.1947
Runtime: 00:16:47
Description: A survey of the situation in postwar Germany, produced to raise funds in the US. The film is clearly structured: The first part demonstrates the severe damage of German cities, carefully weaving in christian motifs like graves and churches. The second part highlights the efforts of Germans to reconstruct their cities despite scarce living conditions. A third part emphasizes the suffering of innocent children. The film closes with the unpacking of a CARE package, demonstrating the immediate effect of American help for Germany.
Keywords: Victor-E project / Besatzungszeit / Zerstörung / Armut / Hunger / Lagerleben / Ruine / Notquartier / Heimatvertriebene / Kriegsfolgen / Nachkriegszeit Deutschland / Armut / Hunger / Ruine / Amerikanische Besatzungszone / Occupation / Destruction / Poverty / Hunger / Camp life / Ruin / Emergency quarters / Displaced persons / Consequences of war / Postwar Germany / Poverty / Hunger / Ruin / American occupation zone / (construction) site / war destruction / city center / resources / orphanage / kindergarten / construction worker / children / male / female / dispersed individuals / displaced person / refugee / construction vehicle / children's game / construction work / clearing work / historical architecture / camp / ruins / christianity / Stuttgart / Heilbronn / Pforzheim / Berlin / Deutschland / Germany
Provider: Landesfilmsammlung BW
Rights: No Copyright - Non-Commerical Use Only
Colour: Black & White
Director: Hauser, Otto Robert
Sound: Without sound
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